22 May 2014
IPART is currently undertaking a review of local government compliance and enforcement. The review will assist the NSW Government to meet its red tape reduction target of $750 million by June 2015.
We have released our Draft Report and are seeking comments from stakeholders, including the public. These comments will be considered in making our final recommendations in our Final Report. If you would like to comment on our Draft Report, please lodge a submission by 4 July 2014. Late submissions may not be accepted at the discretion of the Tribunal.
Our Draft Report:
- identifies the extensive role played by NSW councils as regulators of local communities across the State – councils have 309 separate regulatory roles under 67 State Acts
- recommends reforms to local government enforcement activities which are estimated to reduce red tape to business and the community by about $178 million per year.
- makes key draft recommendations in relation to: improving access to local roads for heavy vehicles; limiting building and construction conditions to what is required under the Building Code of Australia; increasing shared regulatory services across councils; and developing new State-local government regulatory partnerships.
- also makes draft recommendations across a range of other activities, including: extending lease periods for footpath restaurants; granting longer term approvals for recurrent community events; streamlining council approvals; enabling mutual recognition of council approvals by other councils; and improving councils’ compliance and enforcement role in building certification, companion animals and swimming pools.
For information about our draft recommendations on local government and enforcement, see fact sheet.
A Final Report is due to the NSW Government in September 2014.