11 Feb 2016
IPART is currently undertaking a review of regulated retail tariffs and charges for small retail gas customers in NSW from 1 July 2016.
As part of this review, all three Standard Retailers (ie, AGL, ActewAGL and Origin Energy) have submitted pricing proposals which outline proposed changes in regulated retail gas prices from 1 July 2016, including indicative price changes for 2017-18 and 2018-19.
We invite stakeholder comments on these proposals. Submissions are due on 7 March 2016.
IPART is assessing the retailer’s proposed price changes to ensure they are reasonable and protect the long term interests of customers. We will release a Draft Report in April 2016, and invite stakeholders to respond by making a submission or attending a public hearing in May 2016. We will consider all stakeholder comments before making our final decisions and releasing our Final Report in June 2016.