Elgas Pty Ltd (ACN 002 749 260) applied for a variation to the conditions of its gas distributor licence under the Gas Supply Act 1996. It sought to add ‘Pacific Lakes Estate, Lake Munmorah, NSW 2259’ as a distribution district in which it can operate a distribution system. This variation will allow Elgas Pty Ltd to convey liquefied petroleum gas and other gases, but excluding natural gas, to this distribution district.
The Gas Supply Act 1996 prohibits unlicensed gas distribution and requires that gas distribution network operators are licensed. A gas distributor’s licence states the areas to which it applies. Elgas Pty Ltd had an existing NSW gas distributor’s licence. It acquired additional gas distribution assets on Pacific Lakes Estate and sought to include this area as a distribution district under its licence.
Elgas Pty Ltd applied to IPART for the amendment.
IPART administers the licensing scheme on behalf of the Minister for Energy and Utilities (the Minister), and makes recommendation to the Minister regarding licence approvals and variations, amongst other things. IPART sought stakeholder feedback and made a recommendation to the Minister.
The Minister approved the variation.
The Minister approved the licence variation on 15 January 2018. This variation is not time limited.
This review is now complete.