Large savings from solar panels

Solar panels can reduce bills for a typical solar customer by $1,000 per year in savings from using the electricity generated and a further $240 per year from exports. Solar panels also reduce the carbon intensity of our power system.

“IPART is interested in hearing about customers’ experiences investing in solar panels and batteries, and exporting electricity to the grid,” said Tribunal Member Sandra Gamble.

The Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal has begun a review on how much customers should expect to be paid by their retailer for their solar electricity when they export it to the grid.

IPART’s guide reflects the savings to retailers because they do not have to purchase this electricity on the national electricity market.

“It’s positive that we are starting to see new types of offers being available in the market. We want to hear from customers what sort of solar plans they want and whether their needs are being met,” said Ms Gamble.

Electricity retailers in NSW set their own prices. IPART’s benchmark provides a guide for solar customers on the likely value of electricity exported to the grid from solar panels.

This guide for 2020-21 is 6 cents to 7.3 cents per kilowatt hour. Many retailers offer solar feed-in prices above IPART’s benchmark.

There has been an 18% increase in the number of NSW households with solar panels over the past year, and about 15% of NSW households now have solar panels.

Submissions to IPART’s Issues Paper can be made until 15 March 2021.

People can also give feedback by registering for IPART’s online public hearing, which will be held on 9 March 2021.

More details are available on our website.

Media Contact: Adrian Flood

Mobile: 0427 105 865
