Review of Electricity Distribution Reliability Standards 2020
We reviewed the reliability standards for NSW electricity distributors to ensure that they reflect the needs and preferences of the people of NSW. To do this, we looked at what it costs to meet and report on reliability standards and what value customers place on a reliable supply.
Over the past decade, the NSW distributors have made significant investments in their networks, partly driven by relatively high reliability standards. As the cost of these investments is passed on to customers through higher electricity bills, it is important to get the balance right.
The Premier specifically asked us to make recommendations that would lower network prices and deliver bill savings to NSW electricity customers. We consider that the changes we recommended will put downward pressure on network costs, and electricity bills over time. Our recommendations will help the distributors identify the right type and level of investment, enable the adoption of new technology, provide a better deal for customers who receive very poor service and reduce red tape.
See our final report and recommendations for more information.