IPART has released a Draft Decision in response to Country Energy's application for a waiver of clause 5.2.1 and 5.4.1 of the Distribution Ring Fencing Guidelines.
Submissions received for Release of Draft Decision of Application by Country Energy
* Part of submission not published due to confidentiality and/or other legal reasons
** Submission not published due to confidentiality and/or other legal reasons
IPART has released a Draft Decision in response to Country Energy's application for a waiver of clause 5.2.1 and 5.4.1 of the Distribution Ring Fencing Guidelines.
Submissions received for Release of Draft Decision of Application by Country Energy
* Part of submission not published due to confidentiality and/or other legal reasons
** Submission not published due to confidentiality and/or other legal reasons
The Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal of NSW (Tribunal) has received a request from Country Energy to waive its compliance of clause 5.2.1 (separation of offices) and clause 5.4.1 (separa
Country Energy’s vast service territory and electricity network has inherent features that differentiate it from most other electricity distributors.