Over the past year, IPART has remained focused on important issues affecting communities and organisations impacted by our recommendations and decisions.
In 2023-24 IPART continued to deliver legislated regulatory activities, including licensing, compliance and enforcement, pricing reviews and monitoring, as well as undertaking commissioned reviews and making recommendations to improve customer outcomes.
IPART has a key role in the changing energy market and transition to renewables. We undertook the first assessment of a transmission operator’s licence application for a renewable energy zone, delivered the second NSW Electricity Infrastructure Roadmap annual report and administered and regulated the expanded Energy Savings Scheme and Peak Demand Reduction Scheme which achieved well above energy savings and peak demand reduction targets.
In the water sector, there is increasing demand for services to support growth in housing supply and service demand is a key consideration for IPART's work in water utility regulation. In 2023-24, IPART reviewed the Sydney Water and the WaterNSW operating licences, providing recommendations for new licences to the Minister for Water. IPART also prepared for upcoming water price reviews which will be a focus area in 2024-25.
Over recent years IPART has been entrusted with a broader range of responsibilities. This year, we worked on reviews into the Early Childhood Education and Care sector and efficient costs of out-of-home care for children and young people who cannot live with their family. IPART was also appointed as the Emergency Services Levy Insurance Monitor in readiness for the Government’s intended transition from current Emergency Services Levy arrangements.
Our regulatory and review work is informed by open and transparent consultation with consumers and stakeholders. I would like to thank the many individuals and organisations who engaged with us for the time and effort put into providing us with feedback and insights. We consider every submission and everything said in public hearings and workshops.
The past year saw the departure of two well-respected, long-standing Tribunal members, Deborah Cope and Sandra Gamble. I would like to acknowledge and thank both Deborah and Sandra for their work on the Tribunal and their service to NSW. I also thank and acknowledge the contribution of Deputy Tribunal member Mike Smart who took on Tribunal member duties during this time. We welcomed new permanent member Jonathan Coppel to the Tribunal last year, and we will be joined in 2024-25 by new members Sharon Henrick, and Darryl Biggar.
I would like to thank the talented staff of the IPART Secretariat for their commitment and hard work, ably led by IPART CEO Andrew Nicholls and the IPART executive leadership team.
2024-25 will see IPART implementing an updated strategy to meet new challenges, I am confident we will continue to deliver value for the people of NSW in the year to come.
Carmel Donnelly