Operational Audit of SYDNEY CATCHMENT AUTHORITY Public submissions The Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal is required to assess Sydney Catchment Authority�s performance as part of the annual audit of its Operating Licence. You are invited to comment on any matter relating to Sydney Catchment Authority�s Operating Licence including bulk water quality, catchment management, environmental planning, and community consultation. Copies of the Operating Licence are available online at www.sca.nsw.gov.au, Sydney Catchment Authority Offices, or by phoning (02) 4725 2100. Unless a specific request is made for confidentiality, submissions will be made available to the public. Any claim for confidentiality should be clearly displayed on the front of the submission. Confidentiality cannot be guaranteed as the Freedom of Information Act 1989 and section 22A of the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal 1992 provide for public access to documents in certain circumstances. Written comments must be received by Thursday 22 August 2002. Submissions should be sent to the address below. If you have any questions please contact Bob Burford on (02) 9290 8408.