AND REGULATORY TRIBUNAL Undergrounding Electricity Cables in
NSW The Minister for Energy has requested the Tribunal to provide assistance under Section 9 of the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal Act 1992 (the IPART Act) in identifying the costs, benefits and funding for undergrounding electricity cables in urban areas of NSW. The full Terms of Reference can be downloaded from the Tribunal�s website or by contacting Ms Renee Smith on (02) 9290 8435 or The Tribunal invites submissions from interested parties. Submissions should be made in writing and can cover some or all of the terms of reference. There is no standard format for preparation of submissions. Copies of longer submissions should also be provided on computer disk. All submissions for which confidentiality is not claimed will be made available for public inspection at the Tribunal�s offices and via the Tribunal�s website. The due date for submissions is Monday 4th February 2002. For further information please contact Mr Michael Seery, Program Manager Electricity on Phone: (02) 9290 8421, Fax: (02) 9290 2061 or Email: