This factsheet provides updated indicative bill impacts for Sydney Water customers if the desalination plant were to commence ramping up this 2018-19 summer.
This fact sheet summarises our approach to the second phase of stakeholder consultation on the end of term review of the Sydney Water operating licence.
The draft operating licence outlines the proposed terms and conditions that we may recommend to the Minister to be included in the Sydney Water’s new operati
This report considers the benefits of treating water to the level implied by the adoption of the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines in the operating licenc
This Fact Sheet is a summary of WUA MidCo’s application for a network operator’s and retail supplier’s licence under the Water Industry Competition Act 2006
Invitation for submissions on WUA MidCo’s application for a network operator’s and retail supplier’s licence under the Water Industry Competition Act 2006.
We seek comments on the proposed amendments to the reporting manuals, which clarify requirements for licensees in regards to reporting of insurance changes a
We seek comments on the proposed amendments to the reporting manuals, which clarify requirements for licensees in regards to reporting of insurance changes a