Licence Condition 1(c) - Distribution Districts
Who operates the electricity distribution network in my area?
Ausgrid, Endeavour Energy and Essential Energy each have a distribution district in which they can operate their distribution network. You can check the area of operation of each of the electricity distributors by following the links to their websites:
However, each of the networks occasionally operates outside of their distribution district. For example, this might occur in the following cases.
The boundary between two electricity distributors runs down the centre of a road, but the electricity distribution network runs down one side of the road only. The electricity distribution network would also supply customers in the neighbouring distribution district on the other side of the road.
Other areas which can more easily be supplied from a neighbouring distribution network.
Interconnections between the networks, or connections to TransGrid’s transmission network, that operate in a neighbouring distribution district.
Ausgrid, Endeavour Energy and Essential Energy's licences provide conditions on operation outside of their respective distribution districts. Further details can be found in the Electricity networks reporting manual – Where Ausgrid, Endeavour Energy and Essential Energy operate outside their distribution districts, and Application Guide - Electricity distributors to operate outside district.
Ausgrid, Endeavour Energy and Essential Energy can be contacted directly if you need more information about who supplies electricity in your area. Note that some customers near the border of NSW may be supplied by an interstate Electricity Distributor, such as Evoenergy or Energex.
Application Guide for Ausgrid, Endeavour Energy and Essential Energy
The Application Guide - Electricity distributors to operate outside district applies to Ausgrid, Endeavour Energy and Essential Energy when they seek to operate a distribution system which is:
outside their legislated distribution district, as defined in Schedule 3 of the Electricity Supply Act 1995,
outside an area where they operated a distribution system as at their licence date, and
not already agreed and authorised by IPART under the Instrument of agreement and authorisation, dated 28 August 2019, the superseded instrument dated 20 December 2017 or a subsequent instrument of agreement.